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Webinar – Do We Really Know What Retirement Is?

By May 24, 2014December 20th, 2022No Comments

On Thursday, June 5,2014 at 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM Jester Financial Technologies, in conjunction with National Association of Fixed Annuities for National Annuity Awareness Month, will be presenting the Webinar “Do We Really Know What Retirement Is?”.

Summary:The financial process is based on looking at past “known variables” to project what future out comes may be.

The problem, those that are heading for retirement will never have it as good as though who are in retirement today. Unfortunately, not only have the rules of retirement changed, but the demographics of this country have also changed the landscape in both a good and bad way.

Due to these changes those that are closing in on retirement must find a way to generate another form of guaranteed income…their health may depend on it.

Dan McGrath